MicroLife is a multi-strain probiotic containing dozens of species of beneficial microorganisms. By allowing beneficial microbes to dominate the soil and plants, MicroLife helps to improve the overall health of your plants and crops, whilst also improving germination, root development, maturing and flowering.
Soil NRG contains a mixture of beneficial microbes, Humic acid and micronutrients. When applied, Soil NRG naturally promotes healthy root formation, whilst increasing overall microbial activity and diversity. Soil NRG prevents dominance by plant pathogens in the rhizosphere and increases nutrient cycling and therefore, nutrient availability.
MicroFoliar targets the leaf surface to naturally promote plant health, maturing and flowering. Applying MicroFoliar allows beneficial microbes to dominate the environment, suppressing disease pressure whilst enhancing photosynthesis and foliar feeding.
Foliar NRG targets the leaf surface, with the aim of protecting beneficial microbial populations and reducing the need for plant protection products. The application of micro-nutrients and trace elements found within Foliar NRG will help to buffer the plant against abiotic and biotic stresses.
Defence NRG contains a unique microbial consortium mixed with fermented garlic and chilli extracts. It promotes the plants' natural defences against parasitic and fungal attacks whilst strengthening the plant against potential pests and diseases, improving the overall resilience of plants and crops.
SuPr-N contains up to 17% controlled release nitrogen containing a mixture of various microbial species and acids. Nitrogen in SuPr-N is split between several pools including microbial biomass, soluble nitrogen (protein peptide and amino acid), ammonium and relatively little in the form of nitrates. SuPr-N effectively acts as a controlled release fertiliser, with release continuing for a full 60 days.
Our proprietary SuPr NRG product is an environmentallysafe, reef-friendly Nitrogen source, containing trace minerals fermented with microbes, as well as humic and fulvic acid. SuPr NRG effectively acts as a controlled release fertiliser as the nitrogen is mineralised over time. SuPr NRG assists in increasing soil microbial biomass compared to controls and other treatments.
Rapid Digest is used in combination with MicroBalance to accelerate healthy biological breakdown and decomposition. It contains bacteria that are effective at breaking down sludge, cellulose and hydrocarbons, whilst minimising offensive odours.
Fermented Herbal Extract (FHE) supports the healthy digestion of animals, assisting rapid feed adaptation and may improve appetite. Microbes found in FHE act to compete with and inhibit the growth of pathogens, which aids in immune system functions. FHE contains a range of microbes including Lactobacillus species and yeasts that are fermented with various herbs.
MicroBalance is a mixture of beneficial microorganisms that improve the healthy digestion of organic material. It promotes odour free decomposition in composting, wastewater and sewerage sludge treatment, whilst also reducing nutrient loads that cause pathogen and algal blooms.
MicroBalance+ contains a mixture of beneficialmicroorganisms that are designed to promote the healthy breakdown of crop residues and stubble, returning crop waste back to your soil. This increases both the organic matter and microbial activity, preparing your soil for the next crop.